Columbia Farmers Market

the farmers behind the market

Next Market Date: 
February 1
9:00 AM
12:00 PM

Mt. Tabor Farmstead: working hand-in-hand with the land

Brent and Kendall, along with her daughter, Georgie, own Mt. Tabor Farmstead; a permaculture homestead in New Bloomfield, Missouri that is a nostalgic trip back to country living and agrarian values.

They are in their second year of providing seasonal fresh produce and flowers to Columbia Farmers Market and in their first year of a vegetable and flower CSA Farmstead Box serving Fulton, Jefferson City and Columbia.

Their diverse market gardens are all grown outdoors, so transforming that hard Missouri clay into rich soil has been a labor of love.  Choosing to never use any harmful chemicals (no herbicides, pesticides, synthetic chemicals, or fungicides) and utilizing companion planting and a deep mulch system has helped to create soil that is richer and more alive year after year…even through droughts!

Always looking to grow, Brent and Kendall have finished work on a multifunctional passive solar greenhouse and are planning for a high tunnel to grow even more unique vegetables and flowers in years to come.

They love coming to the farmers market on Saturdays.  Just ask Kendall's daughter, Georgie.  "Columbia Farmers Market is fun and I have lots of friends.  I get to try new foods and meet new people all the time, too.  I like that I’m sharing our vegetables and flowers with everybody.”

Come visit their stand on Saturday mornings to share in some good conversation and the wonderfully rich flavors of their garden.  Read more about them on their website at MTTABORFARMSTEAD.COM.

"Columbia Farmers Market is fun and I have lots of friends.  I get to try new foods and meet new people all the time, too.  I like that I’m sharing our vegetables and flowers with everybody.”
 ⁃ Georgie, Mt. Tabor Farmstead  