Columbia Farmers Market

Gleaning at CFM

Farmers and farmers markets sometimes have excess produce they are willing to donate for distribution within a community. To ensure our vendor’s food donations are going to those in need, the Columbia Farmers Market management requires all gleaning organizations to follow the below procedures and complete the annual agreement.

Procedures for Market Day Gleaning

  1. Arrive at closing time, not before. Farmers must finish their sales to customers right up until the market closing time. Please respect that the vendors are there to conduct sales.  Do not interrupt any vendors that are interacting with customers.
  2. Check in with the staff at the Oasis booth.  CFM staff will verify you have an agreement on file.
  3. Wear clothing or badges to identify yourself as a volunteer/staff from your organization.
  4. Agree to follow all local, state and federal health and food guidelines. No potentially hazardous foods may be collected.
  5. Be prepared to provide receipts each week to any vendors who ask for one for their donation.
  6. Remember that market vendors’ staff may change during the season, and you may need to connect with new vendor staff to explain to them what you are doing. Please ask the market staff if you need assistance.
  7. Track the number of pounds of food you pick up each week and provide a monthly report to the Columbia Farmers Market. Reporting can be done either when checking in the following week or emailing the Executive Director at
  8. Inform the Columbia Farmers Market a minimum of 48 hours in advance if you cannot pick on one of your planned days. Keep us informed of any changes or issues concerning your gleaning agreement or market day procedures.
gleaning application