Columbia Farmers Market

Why Shop at CFM?

There are plenty of reasons to shop at the farmers market!

By choosing to shop at the farmers market you help support local farmers, protect the health of the environment and most importantly eat really good, quality food.

Support Family Farms

With large agribusiness dominating food production in the United States, small family farmers have a hard time earning a living in the food marketplace. Buying directly from farmers gives them a better return for their produce and helps them succeed in today’s globalized economy. You play an important role in ensuring that local farmers can continue farming for the community.

Eat Seasonally

Food at the farmers market comes and goes with the season, and for this reason it is always fresh and delicious. By eating with the season you reconnect with the cycle of nature in your region. It can help bring back our awareness of the earth, the weather and the turning of the seasons as you anticipate asparagus in the spring, savor ripe tomatoes in summer and bake with winter squash in the fall.

Fresh Tastes

The fruits and vegetables available at the market are the freshest and tastiest available. The food is real and fresh from the farm, sometimes picked as early as that same morning. There is no long-distance shipping, no chemicals to simulate the ripening process and no sitting for weeks in storage.

Know your Farmers

Shopping at the farmers market is by far the best way to connect with where your food comes from. Meeting and talking to food artisans and farmers is a rare opportunity to learn more about how and where the food is produced. You’re also likely to learn different cooking tips and recipes since many of the farmers at market are passionate cooks of the food they produce.

Good for your Health

Much of the food found in conventional grocery stores are highly processed. Some of it has been irradiated, waxed or gassed in transit. These practices are shown to have negative effects on human health. In contrast, most food at the farmers market is minimally processed and many farmers put in the extra effort to grow the most nutritious produce possible using sustainable techniques, harvesting right before market and growing heirloom varieties.

Discover Variety

Another benefit to shopping at the farmers market is the amazing variety of produce you won’t find in the normal supermarket. Produce like red carrots, shiitake mushrooms and heirloom tomatoes gives you a chance to enjoy the biodiversity of our region.

Protect the Environment

Food in the United States travels an average of 1500 miles to get to your plate. This requires large amounts of natural resources, contributes to pollution and generates trash with excessive packaging. Local farmers transport their food shorter distances and generally grow with methods that minimize impact on the environment.

Connect with your Community

The farmers market is a great place to meet up with friends, bring your children or get a taste of small-town life. Supporting your local farmers market grows your community and turns shopping into a pleasure rather than a chore. Meet your farmers, learn about foods in the area, catch up with friend and get your children involved!

Promote Humane Treatment of Animals and Workers

At the farmers market you can find meats, cheeses and eggs from animals raised without hormones or antibiotics, who have grazed on green pasture and enjoyed natural lives, and have lived free from the unnatural living conditions of feedlots and cages characteristic of large scale agriculture.

Support the Local Economy

Shopping at the farmers market helps to build a local economy made of real people you know. Instead of supporting large corporations based in other cities, states or countries, food from the farmers market travels through fewer hands so more of the money goes to the people growing it. You can make an important economic impact by buying from producers who practice social and environmental justice with their business.

What Farmers Markets Do For…

The Farmer

  • receives a higher percentage of sales, compared to products sold in stores
  • develops relationships with customers and a reliable routine with a weekly market
  • offers a product with less packaging, shorter time in storage and a lower carbon footprint

The Customer

  • gains access to fresher, healthier, and tastier foods, usually picked the same day
  • cultivates personal relationships with the farmers, learning more knowledge about the food they’re going to eat: where it came from and how it was grown
  • provides a fun environment to spend time with friends and family

The Community

  • grows the local economy and ensures that more money stays within the community
  • creates an urban-to-rural link and maintains social ties important to building a strong community
  • builds a community institution made by, and for, the community itself